• Develop Skills

    Increased conflict skills mean better conflict outcomes

  • Grow Your Confidence

    Approach conflict with intention instead of fear and reaction

  • Improve Relationships

    Build relationships and cultures of trust and security

Develop and Hone your Conflict Skills at your own Pace

Conflict is unavoidable and touches everyone’s lives, but what is avoidable is reacting to it in ways that only further damage our relationships, opportunities, and self esteem.

  • Create your own individual to you conflict practice tailored to your needs, strengths and goals

  • Learn self awareness based embodiment practices, intention based goal setting and critical communication skills that will get you ready to face conflict head on

  • Unlearn habits and behaviours that are no longer serving you, your life or your relationships

Our Culture is Plagued with a Fear of Conflict

Too many of us were never taught healthy strategies and coping mechanisms for dealing with conflict in our lives. We were never given the tools to have and hold difficult conversations or overcome challenging dynamics.

No one should have conflict or the fear of one take over their life. Don’t let a conflict suck up all your energy, consume all your mental space, or drive you to burnout. This course will show you that conflict isn’t to be feared, but rather something that can be managed by being more intentional and prepared.

This course uses self awareness based embodiment practices, intentional goal setting and critical communication skills to get you ready to face conflict head on. 

Are you unhappy with how conflict shows up in your personal life or work life and know something needs to change?

  • Do you notice detrimental patterns in your life when it comes to conflict?

    Explosive arguments? Irreparable ruptures? Communication breakdowns?

    Unlearn habits or behaviours that are no longer serving you, your life or your relationships.

  • Found yourself in a leadership role only to realize how unprepared you are to manage team dynamics?

    High turnover? Resistance to change? Constant complaints?

    Learn tools and techniques for minimizing escalation and getting to the root cause of conflict, so problems don't repeat themselves.

  • Do you see conflict as a personal failure and therefore avoid it at all costs?

    Unable to hold difficult dialogue? Always prioritize others? Feel like things are always out of control?

    Learn to embrace conflict and manage it through intentional practices that help you stay in your integrity.

Get Started Today

All personal growth begins with noticing and acknowledging - the next step is to do something about it.

What's Included

When you buy this course you receive:

  • Lifetime access to all course content

  • A handbook to personalize as you go through the course content

  • Access to a community, assignments, various types of lessons and exercises to help you digest and internalize the content

  • The option submit assignments and questions to the instructor for feedback and review

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Eddie and the course

    2. About this Course

    3. Handbook for the Course

    4. Course scope

    5. What is Conflict?

    6. Conflict Hopes and Fears Exercise

    1. Introduction to the Intentional Conflict Practice Framework

    2. Creating your own Intentional Conflict Practice

    1. Understanding the Physiology and Psychology of Conflict

    2. Understanding Conflict Physiology and Psychology Activity

    3. Grounding Techniques and Exercises

    4. Grounding Techniques and Exercises Explained

    5. Conflict Styles

    6. Conflict Styles Activity

    7. Conflict Styles Activity - Eddie's Answers

    8. Conflict Styles Reflection Exercise

    1. Value Leading Self Accountability

    2. Defining My Values Exercise

    3. The Roles We Play in Conflict

    4. Conflict Roles and Characters

    5. Getting to the Root Cause of Conflict using the Conflict Iceberg

    6. Accountability and Apologizing

    7. Crafting an Apology

    1. Introduction to the Intentionality Revolution Cycle

    2. Intentionality Revolution Exercise Instructions

    3. Intentionality Revolution Exercise

    1. Introduction to the Communication Pillar

    2. Escalation Minimizing Language and Behaviour

    3. Proper Listening Techniques

    4. Listening Exercise

    5. Listening Exercise with Eddie as the Speaker

    6. Modeling

    7. Conversation Structure and Cycles

About this course

  • $389.00
  • 40 lessons
  • Automated Closed Captioning (Eng)

Ready to get started?

I'm Eddie, Nice to Meet You!

Eddie Hareven

Conflict Mediator, Trainer and Consultant

I am a facilitator, mediator and consultant whose skill set lies in conflict management and communication strengthening through preventative and verbal approaches. I support people in working through conflict, fostering self awareness, developing healthier communication practices, and encouraging self empowerment through accessible, participatory, and non-judgemental engagement. With an educational background in counselling, advocacy and mediation, I work with individuals, teams and leaders who want to create stronger relationships, more sustainable work environments and a safer future.


Still have some questions holding you back? Maybe these will help!

  • Who is this course for?

    Anyone who wants to see significant improvement in their ability to manage conflict, whether in their professional or personal life. My framework can be applied to almost all contexts. This course contains self reflection exercises, activities and practice opportunities, in order to better internalize the content and begin adapting it to your particular contexts.

  • Do I need previous experience in conflict management?

    No, you can be a total beginner. This course is perfect for people looking for their first conflict management course, as well as for people who have done various training in the past, but are looking for something more intensive.

  • What does this course not cover?

    This course and my framework does not apply to situations of abuse or violence. For example, if you are in an abusive dynamic or relationship. If you are in a dangerous situation and need help, please contact your local crisis line or center, who will be better able to support you.

  • What types of lessons are included?

    This course contains a variety of learning approaches to support various kinds of learners, and includes: Video recorded lectures Video recorded presentations Text based documents Video and text based assignments Exercises and activities A handbook for you to personalize as you go through the conten

With an Educational Background in Counselling and Mediation, this Course takes an Approach that is Influenced by Practices such as:

Trauma informed counselling

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Feminist Accountability & Group Process

Generative Somatics


And more.

A group of people sit on the floor or in chairs working on an exercise during Eddie's Conflict Management Training

Our Ability to Self Reflect, Emotionally Regulate and Clearly Communicate makes a HUGE Difference in our Ability to get the Conflict Outcomes we are Hoping for.

If you can believe it, I used to be terrified of conflict. I needed everyone to like me. I needed to be perfect. If I made someone upset or angry, I was a bad person. A failure. When conflict occurred, I would quickly spiral out of control. From immense feelings of shame, to fits of rage, to uncontrollable urges to fix the situation, even if that meant crossing the boundaries of the very people I wanted to forgive me. 

Conflict used to be unbearable. Now, I welcome it. I understand that it is a part of life that invites me to learn, grow and better understand myself and others. Conflict will never vanish from my life, but now I move through it with integrity, hopefulness and best of all, without fear! Watch my youtube video to learn more about my story and how I got here.

This course is all about helping you become intentional about your approach to conflict. Most people are not even aware that it is possible to: 1. have a conflict practice and 2. decide how you approach and respond to conflict, as opposed to only reacting and letting your habitual or in the moment responses make the decision for you.

When we’re reactive we are: defensive, argumentative, blaming, shaming; we shut down or we do what we’re told. This is reactivity. A key term you will come to understand from taking this course. When we are reactive, we are not in control. Rather, our reactivity to the situation is determining how we respond. This in turn will impact how others respond to us. 

Many of us think that that’s just the way we are, but what if I told you that actually, no, you can change. You can choose to respond, as opposed to react. You can unlearn habits or behaviours that are no longer serving you, your life or your relationships. 

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